Getting Ready for the Bishop’s Visit (Sunday, October 19)

The church is ready for Bishop Hahn’s visit.  Join us tomorrow! Bishop Hahn will speak at the Adult Forum  – 10:15am – 10:45am.  He will preach and preside at the 11:00am service. We will receive James Partin to the Episcopal … Continue reading

This Sunday (October 19) at St. John’s – Bishop Hahn will Visit

Now if I have found favor in your sight, show me your ways, so that I may know you and find favor in your sight. Exodus 33:13 I love the story of Exodus.  Written thousands of years ago, I still … Continue reading

This Sunday (September 7) at St. John’s

Hallelujah!Sing to the LORD a new song; *sing his praise in the congregation of the faithful.Psalm 149:1 Confirmation classes have begun.  Bruce Cory and I have worked on a 5-session course for those wanting to be confirmed in the Episcopal … Continue reading

This Sunday (August 31) at St. John’s

Search for the LORD and his strength; continually seek his face.  Psalm 105:4 This Sunday, we’ll hear how Moses meets the LORD, the great I AM.  Moses sees a bush that is burning, but is not consumed.  Rather than running … Continue reading