Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4
This week I’m in Berea attending the Brushy Fork Institute. St. Agnes’ House receives $13,500 from the Berea College Appalachian Fund, so we are encouraged to attend this Institute each year. A major focus is strengthening the leadership in Appalachia. There are speakers and intensive workshop tracks on helpful subjects. This year, I’m learning more about ways to communicate that build relationship and partnership. Look out everyone, because you know I’ll be practicing and sharing what I learn.
Another thing I like about the Institute is the food. Wednesday evening, we had dinner at Boone Tavern, a wonderful place to eat. I enjoyed conversations with the people at my table. Some have lived and worked in the region of Appalachia for many years. Of course, I had to ask my perennial question — Why has poverty persisted in this region?
Well, we had a fun discussion and veered onto how to build a diverse economy in the region. One of the issues we talked about is how possible it is to build a business that balances the interests of the business with the interests of the people. For instance, if the minimum wage kept pace with what it was years ago, it’d be well over $10; not the $7.25 it currently is. Would paying the minimum wage workers a little more money help both business and people? Could families be better supported?
In the early church, Paul exhorted believers to reach out beyond themselves and their own personal interests to do what was helpful and caring for others. What does that look like in your world? How can we make it happen?
Love, Rebecca+
REMINDER: We celebrate Latino/Latina Heritage Month this Sunday. Take a look at the bulletin and insert to review the music we’ll be singing. We’ll also be saying the Lord’s Prayer in Spanish!
Pot Luck This Sunday! It’s pot luck Sunday, Bring your favorite dish to share. All are welcome! Our pot luck schedule is changing for October and November. October 19 will be pot luck, which is when Bishop Hahn makes his annual visit. November 16 will be pot luck to coincide with the Annual Meeting.
Rebecca’s Schedule: Rebecca will be at St. John’s Tuesday and Thursday this week. Her Sabbath Day will be Monday, September 29 and Friday October 3. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
Adult Forum: The Adult Forum is reviewing and discussing the 39 Articles of Faith, pages 867-876 in the Book of Common Prayer through September 28.
Sunday School – Godly Play: The Godly Play program is for children is offered each Sunday morning at 10:00 am . All children are invited to participate in this special form of spiritual development.
Confirmation Classes: Confirmation classes are being held every Wednesday through October 1 from 6:30-8pm. All are invited. This week’s session will be sacramental theology.
Godly Play Teachers needed. Godly Play teachers are needed. Training is provided. This is a wonderful program of spiritual development for children and we’d like to keep it going in the parish. Please let Rebecca know if you are willing to be trained and serve as a teacher for a period of approximately 1 month.
The ECW Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 4, 10:30am through lunch, Trinity, Covington. There will be a recognition of Honored Women. To attend, please contact Lisa Edwards, ledwards102@gmail.com, 859-341-7324.
Belk Charity Sales Day: The annual Belk Charity Sales day will be Saturday, November 8, 6-10am. Members of St. John’s are selling tickets for $5.00 for this special event. The church keeps the $5.00 and for each ticket you receive $5.00 off an item. We will also sell tickets on Thursday, October 2, 10am – 2pm. If you can help, please contact June.
We will be having an initial gathering of those interested in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew on October 5 after the Sunday service. To learn more, speak to Bruce Cory. You can also learn more from http://www.brotherhoodofstandrew.org/about.php
Furnace Needed: The furnace located in the sacristy, which heats part of the social hall and hallways must be replaced prior to this winter. Cost is $2,250 for a furnace that will also be more energy efficient. We’ll also need to replace two more furnaces over the next two years: one that heats the parish hall and one that heats the rectory. Donations for the furnace can be put in the boxes back on the shelves in the parish hall.
Bring your pets to church to be blessed on Sunday, October 5. We will have a service outdoors in our park (or in the amphitheater). Pets should be leashed and/or in carriers.
The Grow Appalachia Committee will meet Wednesday, October 1, at 4:30pm, and after church on Sunday, October 5, to distribute flyers for the October 8 community meeting.
St. John’s is now registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program, organization #47782. Please register your Kroger card at http://krogercommunityrewards.com .
- Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up.
- If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, please let them know that they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
- Click on Sign In/Register
- Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box.
- Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
- You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
- Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
- Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
- Update or confirm your information.
- Enter NPO number (47782) or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm.
- To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.
- REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s).
- Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.
- Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.