This Sunday (April 20 – Easter) at St. John’s

Peter began to speak to them: “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. Acts 10:34-35

This Sunday is the highlight of our religious year.  Despite our attempts to silence Jesus and keep him in the tomb, he rises to live forever.  What a joy to hear the words of Peter:  God is not partial.  God is for everyone.  Any person who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to God.  Simple words and not always easy to live by.  Yet, blessed words, because we must only be the best God created us to be.  We don’t have to live up to what anyone else thinks.  God loves us all.

Blessings during this Holiest of Weeks….

Love, Rebecca

Easter Day Bulletin

Good Friday Service – Eucharist from the Reserve Sacrament and Adoration of the Cross, 7:00pm
Holy Saturday – 1:00pm
Decorate the Church for Easter – 1:00-3:00pm
Easter Vigil – 8:00pm; followed by Champagne and Chocolate reception
Easter Day
10:00am – Brunch – bring your favorite dish to Share; Godly Play for the children
11:00am – Service with Communion
Egg hunt after church

Rebecca’s Schedule: Next week, Rebecca will be in Corbin on Thursday, April 24, and her Sabbath day will be Friday, April 25.  You can reach to Rebecca by calling 859 -429-1659 or

Flowers for the altar: The flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God and to the memory of Mr. & Mrs. George M. Golden, Mrs. R. Hollifield George, Thomas R. Hollifield, Mrs Jacqueline Golden Cooper and Mr. & Mrs. Coy Hart by Mr & Mrs. Jerry Hollifield.  Easter flowers are also given in memory of John & Elizabeth by Sue Weedman, in memory of Robert & Mary Ann Myers by the Rev. Rebecca Myers, in memory of Keith Snider by the Swinford family, in memory of Anne & Lamar Jones and Pat & Cecil Davis by Anne Day and Jeff David, by Mrs. Thalia Harris and in memory of William R. & E. Irene Fink by Bruce W. Cory.

Easter Egg Hunt  There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the children after the service on Easter.

Pot Luck Sunday:  Next Sunday, April 27, is our monthly pot luck.  Bring a dish or drink to share.  And all are welcome!  Plan to fellowship with each other.  

Adult Forum: Adult Forum will resume next week with a 7-week Easter series on Resurrection Living, using a Forward Movement pamphlet by Christine McSpaden.  Mary Swinford will lead the first session on Luke 24:5, Why do you look for the living among the dead?

St. George’s Day, Saturday, April 26, Cathedral Domain.  Mary Swinford will be confirmed at the 3pm service.  Spend the weekend or come for the day.  Reservations for overnight must be received by April 18.  Meals are included in the overnight stay or can be purchased separately if you are coming for the day.  You are also welcome to bring your own food and have a picnic on the grounds.

Belk Charity Sales Day:  The Belk Charity Sales Day will be Saturday, May 3rd from 6:00am to 10:00am.  Ticket may be purchased for $5 tickets from our ECW, which allow you entrance to the sale and $5 off your purchase.  We are trying to sell 100 tickets, which provides $500 for the church and tremendous savings for you!

We’re buying goats!  The Lazarus at the Gates Adult Forum study has prompted us to purchase goats through Episcopal Relief and Development for families in the Philippines.  Goats provide milk, cheese, and manure for farming.  Donations towards the $80 purchase of each goat can be made through the goat bank in the parish hall or in the offering plate clearly marked ERD goat project.

United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Our ingathering of your UTO offerings will be Sunday, May 11.  Remember to bring your offering that day AND to pick up another box for the fall ingathering.    

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