Weekly Bulletin Announcements – 4 November 2012

Notes and News

Contact Information: Rev. Margaret will be in the office on Wednesday afternoons.  If you would like to schedule an appointment or just speak with her, she can be reached at 859-278-0585 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.orgJeff Davis, the Senior Warden, can be reached at 606-521-6258 or srwarden@stjohnscorbin.org.

Thanksgiving Eucharist: A special Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 21 at 7:00pm.  As an offering, items for the Food Pantry will be collected given in thanks to the Lord.

Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting for St. John’s will take place within the Service of Holy Eucharist on Sunday, December 9th.  Please make plans to attend this important day of celebration and renewal as we look back on 2012 and forward to what 2013 may be calling us to as a Parish.

Pledge Drive: As we enter the season of Thanksgiving please remember to prayerfully consider your pledge to St. John’s for 2013.  Pledges will be gathered throughout November and offered to the Lord at the Eucharist on Sunday, December 9th.

Vestry Members: Parishioners yearning to expand their ministry at St. John’s may be feeling a call to become a member of the vestry.  Vestry elections will be held at the Annual Meeting on December 9th.  Please speak with Margaret or Jeff if you would like to be a candidate.

Convention Delegate: The election of convention delegates for the Annual Diocesan Convention will take place at the Annual Meeting on December 9th.  Four deputies and four alternates are elected annually.  Deputies must be able to attend the full convention which usually runs from a Thursday afternoon through a Saturday morning in February.  Alternates are asked to attend if a deputy is unable to fulfill the obligation.

Prayers for Today

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Mary’s Church, Middlesboro; The Rev. Chris Arnold, Priest in Charge

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