View as Webpage Please invite your youth to join our delegation!Registration forEYE23has been extended toMarch 31, 2023Every three years, in accordance with General Convention Resolution #1982-D079, the Episcopal Church convenes an international youth event so “that the energy of the youth of the Episcopal Church can continue to be utilized in active ministry as members of the Body of Christ.”This event is open to Episcopal youth in grades 9-12 during the 2022-23 academic year and their adult mentors.The contact person for our delegation is:Cindy Sigmon, Youth Missionercsigmon@diolex.org606-464-8254***Important Note: The new deadline is March 31 but all paperwork needs to be turned in to Cindy Sigmon by March 29. Please contact Cindy as soon as possible if you are interested in attending***Click here for more information about EYE23Check out Episcopal Youth Ministry on Facebook Episcopal Diocese of LexingtonMailing | P.O. Box 610 | Lexington KY 40588-0610Physical | 225 Walton Ave, Suite 120 | Lexington, KY 40502CONNECT WITH US! |