O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for Proper 5, p. 229, Book of Common Prayer).
Our Collect this week asks God to inspire or breath through us so that our thoughts may be right or in line with what God desires. But it’s not only our thoughts that must be right….it is that once that happens, we MUST TAKE ACTION!
I don’t know about you, but that’s quite a process for me. First of all discerning whether my thinking is in line with God’s Will. In 12-step groups, you are cautioned about this. You’ll hear things like, “when I’m in my head, I’m behind enemy lines.” You hear people talk about the “chatter in their heads,” which is often our negative talk to ourselves. Sometimes people talk about the “committee in their heads.” Yes, our thinking can be dangerous to our health and wellbeing.
Silencing that chatter in our heads requires some work and discipline. Prayer can help. Writing it all out on paper can help. Talking to others can help. All of these actions of getting that chatter out of our heads, make room for God’s guidance to enter.
And just as we do this as individuals, I suggest we must do this in our communities. We can have community thinking that “lives” in despair or in denial or in negativity or in rigidity. We need to get this chatter out of our collective thinking so God can enter in.
Taking action isn’t always easy, but I’d say it’s impossible if we haven’t gotten all of our chatter and non-God thinking out of the way!
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
Pastoral Needs: If a pastoral need arises, please call the church office at 606-528-1659 and leave a message. Voicemail messages will automatically be forwarded to a member of the vestry who can arrange pastoral care. You may also contact the senior warden, Bruce W. Cory, by phone at 440-227-0035 or by e-mail at bwcory@gmail.com
This Sunday: Dr. Kay Collier McLaughlin will join us for the Good-goodbye as we say farewell to Rebecca.
Next Sunday: On June 14 we will be welcoming the Rev. Terry Taylor who will be present to celebrate with us the Holy Eucharist.
Adult Forum: Next Sunday we continue a summer series on the Gospel of Mark.
Al-Anon Family Group: An Al-Anon Family Group will meet in St. John’s Parish Hall on Tuesdays from 7-8pm.
KCEOC Summer Lunch Program for youth ages 18 and under, Monday through Friday, 11:50am – Noon, St. John’s Church Park. Youth can pick up their lunch and enjoy it in the park. The program ends on July 31. Please spread the word!
Gather at 6pm on Wednesday evenings for a service and fellowship.
Celebration of the Ministry of Dr. Kay Collier McLaughlin, June 21, 3:00pm, Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington. Join in this celebration of Kay’s ministry in the Diocese of Lexington.
The next Family Game Night will be a family movie night, possibly outdoors, 6:30-8:30pm, June 26. Bring your favorite snacks and drinks.
2015 Goals: The Vestry has adopted the following goals for 2015, in line with our recently adopted Mission Statement; Proclaiming the Gospel, promoting justice, and preparing a diverse community of seekers to reflect the welcoming love of Christ:
- Support Al-Anon group meeting at the Church.
- List St. John’s Church on theIntegrity and Believe Out Loud websites as an open and welcoming church, especially for people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning.
- Remodel space for use as a sacristy.
- Repurpose the parlor.
- Serve as a site for the KCEOC Summer Lunch program for youth ages 18 and under. St. John’s is serving as a site Monday through Friday at 11:50am until noon through July 31. Youth can get their lunch and enjoy it in the St. John’s Park.
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