Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. Acts 4:32
Many years ago, I stumbled upon The Bruderhof Community. They had a community in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania, a popular vacation spot in western Pennsylvania. They ran a coffee shop and bookstore. The community published many of the books.
Begun in 1920 in Germany, the group had to flee during the times of the Nazis. They went to Paraguay and finally came to the United States. They number 2,600 on four continents. What was amazing to me was that the foundation of the community was from early Christianity as described in Acts 2 and 4, but especially this verse we hear this Sunday. They strive to be of one heart and soul. They do not have any private property, but hold everything in common.
I’m not sure I could do this. I do think we could share resources a little more — does everyone really need a lawn mower or could we work out a way to share one between a number of families, for instance? Yet, I get connected to my “stuff” and don’t want to part with it. I also like a good deal of private space.
Reading this passage reminds me to look at how I live my life and encourages me to strive to live in ways that support the common good.
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
Rebecca will be on vacation next week, through April 22. For pastoral care emergencies, call The Rev. John Bukhart, 606-521-0345.
Godly Play: All children are invited to participate in Godly Play, a special program of Spiritual development each Sunday morning at 10:00am.
Adult Forum: This week Rebecca will lead the Adult Forum on Celebrating the 50 Days of Easter. Next week we begin a 5-week series on Ten Ways to Pray. Jeff Davis will lead us in centering prayer and body prayer.
Daughters of the King: The Regional Luncheon Meeting for Daughters of the King will be held Saturday, April 25, 11:30am – 1:30pm. All women members and those interested in becoming members are invited! Please let Shelia Phillips know if you would like to attend.
Diocesan Leadership Training: Diocesan leadership training sessions will be offered at St. Patrick’s Church, Somerset on Friday May 8, 5:45pm-9:00pm and Saturday, May 9, 9am – 4pm. Let Rev. Rebecca know if you’d like to attend this important and informative training. The focus is on effective communication and effective community behaviors. The format is a mix of lecture and small group discussion.
Belk Charity Sales Day: Belk department store will host a Charity Sales Day on Saturday, May 2, 6am – 10am. Buy tickets for $5.00 to get into this special sale. The church keeps the money and you get $5.00 off an item for each ticket you have. Members of the ECW will be selling tickets prior to the event.
Grow Appalachia: The Grow Appalachia committee will meet Thursdays evenings at 6pm through April and May.
2015 Goals: The Vestry is considering adopting 3-5 goals for 2015 to reflect our mission statement. Ideas include sacristy renovation; support of LGBT people, possibly through a chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) or ongoing support of Union College’s Gay/Straight Alliance; Support for people dealing with addictions and their families; opening up the amphitheater and park to church bands; providing our parish hall to other religious groups; more ecumenical church services. What do you think we should be doing to put our mission statement into action?
St. George’s Day: Join other members of the diocese for Fun and Worship at the Cathedral Domain on April 18. Hiking, cooking contest, fellowship, and special worship are part of this enjoyable day. Register at or see Rev. Rebecca.
Rotary Scholarship Scramble: Participate in or help sponsor the Dave Hudson Memorial Rotary Scholarship Scramble, Friday, April 24, London Country Club. All proceeds benefit college scholarships for local high school students. See Rev. Rebecca for more information.
Fun, fun, fun: The next Family Game Night is April 24th from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Bring your favorite games, snacks, and drinks. Those who wish to, may gather at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church for their fish fry at 5:45. The cost is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children for a full meal.