Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his mercy endures forever. Psalm 118:1
Last Sunday we started with waving palms and celebration and ended with Jesus in the tomb. During this week, we hear and remember Jesus’ last days on earth with special services and gatherings. And Sunday is our most sacred and celebratory day, maybe not by the standards of society, but by the standards of our Christian life.
Jesus’ horrific and torturous last days where he is in the tomb and his followers aren’t sure what to do next, transform in unexpected ways. Jesus escapes the tomb and joins his followers and us in new ways…in eternal ways.
So this Sunday,, we give thanks. This Sunday we especially know that God is good. This Sunday we especially know God’s mercy and that it will be with us always!
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
PS. Seems like Easter encourages spring cleaning. Members gathered last Saturday to spruce up inside and out. Irene came two days this week to weed along College Street, and the mowers came today. The place looks beautiful!
Holy Week Service Schedule
Thursday April 2
7:00pm – Maundy Thursday service with Washing of the Feet, Eucharist and stripping the altar
8:00pm – Friday, April 3, 6:00am – Prayer Vigil – sign up to come to the church and pray.
Friday, April 3
6:00am – Morning Prayer
11:30-1:00 – Southeast KY Ministerial Alliance Lunch and Service, First Baptist Church
7:00pm – Good Friday service with Adoration of the Cross and Eucharist from the Reserved Sacrament
Saturday, April 4
1:00 – 3:00pm – Decorate the church for Easter
7:00pm – Great Vigil of Easter followed by champagne, sparkling juice and chocolate reception
Sunday, April 5
11:00am – Easter Service with Eucharist
Egg hunt for the children after the service
Provide Flowers for the altar in honor or in memory of a loved one: Donations for flowers for the altar are accepted for any Sunday of the year. Please sign up on the Flower Donation Chart and let us know if you’d like the flowers to be “in memory of/in honor of” a loved one or special occasion. suggest a donation of $20. Please place your donation in the envelopes provided.
What are our 3-5 goals for 2015? Vestry is considering various goals to reflect our mission statement. Ideas include sacristy renovation; support of LGBT people, possibly through a chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) or ongoing support of Union College’s Gay/Straight Alliance; Support for people dealing with addictions and their families; opening up the amphitheater and park to church bands; providing our parish hall to other religious groups; more ecumenical church services. What do you think we should be doing to put our mission statement into action?
Rebecca’s Schedule
Rebecca will be at St. Agnes’ House next week, Tuesday through Thursday. Her Sabbath Day(s) will be Monday and Friday. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or
Godly Play offered for children. All children are invited to participate in this special program of spiritual development.
No Adult Forum this week. Next week Rebecca will lead the Adult Forum on Celebrating the 50 Days of Easter.
Fun, fun, fun. The next Family Game Night is Friday, April 24, 6:30 – 8:30pm. Those who wish to, gather at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church for their fish fry at 5:45. $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children for full meal. Bring your favorite games, snacks, and drinks. Pizza will be provided.
Daughters of the King Regional Luncheon Meeting, Saturday, April 25, 11:30am – 1:30pm. All women members and those interested in becoming members are invited! Please let Shelia Phillips know if you will attend.
The Grow Appalachia Committee will meet Thursdays, at 6pm through April 9 and during May.
Diocesan Leadership Training, Friday May 8, 5:45-9:00pm and Saturday, May 9, 9am – 4pm, St. Patrick’s Church, Somerset. Let Rev. Rebecca know if you’d like to attend this important and informative training. The focus is on effective communication and effective community behaviors. Format is a mix of learning and small group discussion.
Belk Charity Sales Day, Saturday, May 2, 6am – 10am. Buy tickets for $5.00 to get into this special sale. The church keeps the money and you get $5.00 off an item for each ticket you have. The church will be selling tickets at Belk on Friday afternoon, April 3.
Fun and Worship at the Cathedral Domain, April 18. Hiking, cooking contest, fellowship, and special worship are part of this enjoyable day. Register at or see Rebecca.
Participate in or sponsor the Dave Hudson Memorial Rotary Scholarship Scramble, Friday, April 24, London Country Club. All proceeds benefit college scholarships for local high school students. See Rebecca for more information.