The poor shall eat and be satisfied Psalm 22:25
I just left a Grow Appalachia Meeting. These meetings are full of dreams and hopes. There are so many vegetables we all love, especially fresh from the garden. So many varieties of tomatoes. We are supposed to measure our harvest to report to Grow Appalachia, but what about the wonderful cherry tomatoes you really want to pop into your mouth right from the plant?
Tonight we laid out the garden – 10 beds arranged to look like a cross, with a circular herb bed in the middle. We decided what to plant in the beds, with an eye towards color and beauty. We looked at the dates to plant each vegetable and marked them on a calendar. Then we planned a shopping trip for fertilizer, tools and seeds.
AND the plot is covered with inches of snow! We cannot even begin to know when we will be able to plant! Now, that is Hope and dreams.
We dream of a harvest that we share, especially with our neighbors who are poor…with people who are homeless and people who must come to the food pantry. We are living into this Sunday’s Psalm about the poor eating and being satisfied.
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
Join us for pancakes and game night! Friday, February 27, 6pm.
Rebecca’s Schedule
Rebecca will be at St. Agnes’ House this week, Monday through Thursday. Her Sabbath Day will be Friday. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or
This Sunday we welcome The Rev. Phillip Haug. Rebecca will be at St. Patrick’s Somerset to talk about St. Agnes’ House and to celebrate the service.
Godly Play offered for children. All children are invited to participate in this special program of spiritual development.
Adult Forum
During Lent, we are discussing various issues in Appalachia. This Sunday, Professor Jimmy Smith, will lead a discussion on Appalachia and the land. Next week, we will have a discussion on the “Discovery” of Appalachia.
The Vestry proposes the following Mission Statement for St. John’s Church: Proclaiming the Gospel, promoting justice, and preparing a diverse community of seekers to reflect the welcoming love of Christ. Let us know what you think about this statement, which guides us to goals and actions that embody our Mission.
Wednesday Evenings During Lent through March 25, 6:30pm, series on Appalachia. Plan to come on Wednesday evenings for a soup and bread supper, followed by a special series on Appalachia. This Wednesday, Professor Joseph Pearson will lead a discussion on The 20th Century Discovery of Appalachia.
The Grow Appalachia Committee will meet not meet Thursday, March 5, but will meet Saturday, March 7, 8:30am for a shopping trip. If you’re interested in planting your own garden, either here in St. John’s Park or in your own backyard, or helping with a community plot here in the park, please plan to attend these meetings.
Donations are being accepted until March 29, for flowers to decorate the church for Easter. Use the donation envelopes and write if the donation is “in honor of/in memory” of a loved one or a special occasion. Donations in any amount will be accepted.
Daylight Savings Time begins next Sunday, March 8. Remember to set your clocks forward 1 hour on Saturday night.
The Altar Guild and Worship Committee will meet Friday, March 20, 4:30-6:00pm to plan for Holy Week and Easter. If you are able to assist with altar and worship preparation for this busy week of the Church year, please try to attend or let Rev. Rebecca know.
A Confusion of the Spirit: Holy or Distilled? Saturday, March 21, 10am – noon. The Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke, a priest in North Carolina and one of Rebecca’s professors at General Seminary, is coming to Corbin to raise our community’s awareness about addiction and recovery. As a recovering individual himself, Stuart is very much involved in helping churches, congregations and individuals deal with the disease of alcoholism and addictive illness. He will also preach at the Sunday service.