O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Collect for the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, pg. 217, Book of Common Prayer
The season of celebration that the light has come into the world, also known as Epiphany, is fast coming to an end. This Collect for the Day leads us into the next season of our Church year – Lent. But first, there are a few more days of celebration. Before the walk up calvary on Good Friday, the true glory of Christ was revealed to Peter, James and John, on the Mount Tabor, known as The Transfiguration.
In our region, winter is gray and especially in February, feels long, but our church year reminds us that Christ brought great light, great awareness to us. Christ brought and brings great joy. So, let’s enjoy the celebration..the revealing of Christ’s Glory. Join us Tuesday evening at 6pm for our annual pancake supper. Celebrate our life in Christ. Then you will be ready for the long walk through Lent to Calvary.
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
The Flowers on the Altar this Sunday are given in memory of Ed VanGorder by June VanGorder.
Provide Flowers for the altar in honor or in memory of a loved one: Donations for flowers for the altar are accepted for any Sunday of the year. Please sign up on the Flower Donation Chart and let us know if you’d like the flowers to be “in memory of/in honor of” a loved one or special occasion. We suggest a donation of $20. Please place your donation in the envelopes provided.
Rebecca’s Schedule Rebecca will be in Corbin this week,Tuesday and Wednesday, and attending Diocesan Convention in Morehead Thursday through Saturday. Her Sabbath Day will be Monday, February 16. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
Godly Play offered for children. All children are invited to participate in this special program of spiritual development.
Adult Forum: This Sunday we conclude our series on the Blessing of Same Gender Relationships. Mary Swinford will lead the session. Next Sunday, we begin a series on Appalachia. Professor Joseph Pearson, who teaches history at Union College, will speak about the race riots in Corbin.
Grow Appalachia! We’ve received a grant for $4,530 for our community garden through Grow Appalachia. The Grow Appalachia website is http://www.berea.edu/grow-appalachia/ The Grow Appalachia Committee will meet Sunday, February 15, after church.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Tuesday, February 17, 6:00 – 7:30pm. Come for this truly Episcopal tradition to end Epiphany and prepare for the start of Lent. Free Will donation.
Ash Wednesday Services will be held on February 18, at 9am and 7pm. Eucharist and imposition of ashes will occur at both services.
The Annual International Dinner will be held February 28, 7pm, London Community Center. Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of London and Corbin, the proceeds of the dinner support the eradication of polio. Tickets are $25 each. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will provide of match of $100 for a purchase of 2 tickets. Tables of 8 are also available for $250. If you’d like to attend this fun event or if you’d like to provide food for it, please see Rebecca.
Interested in becoming a member of St. John’s? Please let Rebecca know. Receptions and confirmations will be held on Saturday, April 18, at the Cathedral Domain during St. George’s Day weekend.
Reading Camp Meeting, February 26, 10:15am. A group is forming in Corbin to support sending at least 5 children from Corbin to Reading Camp at Pine Mountain Settlement, July 12-18. We are also exploring the possibility of starting a Reading Camp program in the area. If you are interested in helping recruit children, mentor children, volunteering for Reading Camp, or raising funds, let Rebecca know.
Pot Luck Sunday: Next Sunday February 22, is our monthly pot luck. Bring a dish or drink to share. And all are welcome! Plan to fellowship with each other. Our pot luck schedule shifts in October and November, depending upon the Bishop’s visit and our Annual Meeting.
Join Rebecca and the Members of Corbin Presbyterian Church at 3:00pm, Sunday, February 22, as they install their new Pastor, The Rev. Lisa Eye.
Family Game night is the 4th Friday of the month. The next Family Game Night is Friday, February 27, 6:30 – 8:30pm. Bring your favorite games, snacks, and drinks. Pizza will be provided.
The Vestry is considering how best to use the space that is now our Parlor. Various ideas have included using the space as a welcome and information place, where information is available about St. John’s, our various ministries, and our members. Another idea is to have a prayer space with candles that can be lit for specific prayer intentions. If you have comments or other ideas, please see a member of Vestry or Rebecca.
Two furnaces replaced, 1 more to go! The furnaces located in the sacristy and the parish hall have been replaced. Thanks so much to all who donated! Now we need to replace the furnace in the rectory. Cost is just under $1,700 for a furnace that will also be more energy efficient. Donations for the furnace can be put in the box on the table in the parlor.
The Vestry has voted to donate $25 each month to Everlasting Arm Homeless Shelter. If you’d like to contribute, put your donations in the collection box by the guest register or mark your donation and put it in the collection plate.
Serving Our Neighbors – See baskets in the parlor.
- Everlasting Arms, Corbin’s shelter for people who are homeless, is in need of men’s and women’s razors, gloves, deodorant and socks.
- The Food Pantry at Corbin Presbyterian Church is always in need of nonperishable food items. Vegetables are especially appreciated.
Provide Flowers for the altar in honor or in memory of a loved one: Donations for flowers for the altar are accepted for any Sunday of the year. Please place your donation in the envelope, marking whether they are in honor of or in memory of someone.
Hymn Selection Group If you’d like to choose hymns for services, join this group. You will choose hymns for an upcoming service and then meet with the entire group to confirm the final selections. See Billy Hibbitts if you are interested.
Would you like to write Prayers of the People? If you are interested in writing these prayers (there are resources that can help with this task), please let Rebecca know by phone or email priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
United Thank Offering. Remember to get your box for your thank offerings for this ministry of The Episcopal Church. The next collection will be in the spring.
Are you interested in assisting with the Sunday service? Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Crucifers, Altar Guild Members and choir members are all important for each Sunday service. If you’re interested in serving, please let Rebecca know by phone 859-429-1659 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
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