For God alone my soul in silence waits; *
truly, my hope is in him. Psalm 62:6
I used to think I was so smart, because when things got tough, I knew exactly what action to take. When I was going through a divorce, I was so heartbroken and felt so much grief. I took lots of actions like going to counseling, getting involved with a personal growth community, and getting more involved with church. I was actually looking for something to take away the pain of the grief, sadness and loss I was feeling. So I took action.
Everything I did was really very healthy. It wasn’t that I was doing things that were bad for me, but it was that nothing was going to make the pain go away, except living through it. I had to walk through that pain, grief and loss. I needed to sit still…. I needed to sit in silence for awhile and wait upon God.
Now I know when I feel anxious or in deep grief, I need to be silent and wait on God, because therein lies my hope, rather than in any action I might take.
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
It’s our monthly pot luck! Come join us and taste great food and enjoy wonderful company!
Rebecca’s Schedule: Rev. Rebecca will at St. John’s Corbin Wednesday, January 28 through Friday, January 30. Her Sabbath day will be Monday, January 26 and Tuesday, January 27. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or
Adult Forum: In January through mid-February (Christmas and Epiphany), we will discuss the blessing of same gender relationships. Next week, Rebecca will be reviewing Liturgy and the development of Liturgical Resources.
Godly Play offered for children. All children are invited to participate in this special program of spiritual development.
Pot Luck Sunday: Today after the 11:00 service is our monthly pot luck meal. All are welcome and there is plenty of food to go around! Plan on a time of fellowship with each other.
Property Committee will meet Tuesday, January 27, 6pm, at the church.
Morning Eucharist: A Service of Holy Eucharist will be available Wednesday, January 28, at 9am in the Sanctuary.
Game Night: Everyone is invited to Game night on Friday, January 30, in the Parish Hall from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. This night of fun is hosted by the Young Adults of the parish. Pizza will be provided. Bring snacks and your own drinks.
Worship Committee will meet Friday, January 30, 4:30-6:00pm.
The annual Acolyte Festival will be held Saturday, January 31, 10am – 3:30pm at Christ Church Cathedral in Lexington
Grow Appalachia Committee will meet Sunday, February 15, after church.
A Group hoping to send children from Corbin to Reading Camp at Pine Mountain Settlement School will meet on Thursday, February 27, 10:15am at St. John’s.
Serving Our Neighbors – See baskets in the parlor.
- Everlasting Arms, Corbin’s shelter for people who are homeless, is in need of men’s and women’s razors, gloves, deodorant and socks.
- The Food Pantry at Corbin Presbyterian Church is always in need of nonperishable food items. Vegetables are especially appreciated.
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