God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. Genesis 1:5
Most of us have had many “first days.” There is the first day we remember. There is the first day we went to school. There is the first day we met our best friend or our spouse. There is the first day we lived after someone we loved had died. So many first days….
This Sunday we’ll here this short passage from Genesis about the first day…truly the first day. It’s hard to imagine that. But what we do know about first days is that they represent something new and different…something that dramatically changes our lives and how we live them. There can be incredibly hard first days, but there can also be incredibly important and hope-filled first days.
If we’re not living the life God has called us to, we can start trying again. We can have a new day…a first day of living in a new way. We’re only 11 days into the New Year. What first days do you think God is calling you to?
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca
01-11-2015 Bulletin Renewal of Baptismal Covenant
Rebecca’s Schedule: Rev. Rebecca will at St. Agnes’ House Monday, January 12, through Thursday, January 15. Her Sabbath day will be Friday, January 16. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org
Adult Forum: In January through mid-February (Christmas and Epiphany), we will discuss the blessing of same gender relationships. Next week, Rebecca will be reviewing the History of the Episcopal Church’s Decision.
Godly Play offered for children. All children are invited to participate in this special program of spiritual development.
Your prayers and presence are requested at the ordination to the Priesthood of Andrew Hege, on Saturday, January 17,10am, at Church of the Good Shepherd in Lexington.
Youth Group Bowling. The youth ages 13-18 will go bowling Sunday afternoon, January 18, 1-3pm at Forest Bowling Lanes, Corbin. Please see Rev. Rebecca if you’d like to go.
The Diocesan Stewardship Commission is offering an update on their work prior to Diocesan Convention. Join Rebecca on Tuesday, January 20, at 7pm at St. Mary’s in Middlesboro to hear this update. We can ride together and leave about 5 so we can eat dinner together. The Bishop is also offering scholarships for teams from parishes to attend The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (www.tens.org) conference in Texas in May. Please let Rebecca know if you’re interested in either of these events, as well as assisting with stewardship at St. John’s.
Weekday Morning Eucharist will be available Wednesday, January 21, 9am, in the Sanctuary.
Reading Camp Meeting, January 21, 10am. This meeting will be with people in Corbin interested in helping children read. We will look into recruiting children from Corbin for the Pine Mountain Camp, as well as connecting them to the local programs supporting reading during the school year. We will also discuss raising money to support the children and the camp. If you’d like to be part of this, please let Rebecca know.
Grow Appalachia! We’ve received a grant for $4,530 for our community garden through Grow Appalachia. The Grow Appalachia website is http://www.berea.edu/grow-appalachia/ The Grow Appalachia Committee will meet Wednesday, January 21, 6:30pm.
Worship Committee will meet Friday, January 23, 4:30pm to plan Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. All are welcome!
Game Night, Friday, January 30, 6:30-9:00pm. Everyone is invited to Game night on Friday, January 30, hosted by the Young Adults of the parish. Pizza will be provided. Bring snacks and your own drinks.
The annual Acolyte Festival will be held Saturday, January 31, 10am – 3:30pm at Christ Church Cathedral in Lexington
Provide Flowers for the altar in honor or in memory of a loved one: Donations for flowers for the altar are accepted for any Sunday of the year. Please place your donation in the envelope, marking whether they are in honor of or in memory of someone.
Hymn Selection Group If you’d like to choose hymns for services, join this group. You will choose hymns for an upcoming service and then meet with the entire group to confirm the final selections. See Billy Hibbitts if you are interested.
Are you interested in assisting with the Sunday service? Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Crucifers, Altar Guild Members and choir members are all important for each Sunday service. If you’re interested in serving, please let Rebecca know by phone 859-429-1659 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
Serving Our Neighbors – See baskets in the parlor.
- Everlasting Arms, Corbin’s shelter for people who are homeless, is in need of men’s and women’s razors, gloves, deodorant and socks.
- The Food Pantry at Corbin Presbyterian Church is always in need of nonperishable food items. Vegetables are especially appreciated.
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