Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; Collect for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, BCP, pg. 212
We will read this Collect of the Day on Sunday. I love the vision of it. That God would daily visit us and work in us every day. This doesn’t say that we ask God to visit us, but assumes God DOES visit us daily!
Then, because of these daily visits for which we don’t even ask, a mansion would be created in us for the coming of Jesus Christ. Not just a room or any old house, but a mansion! A beautiful, huge place for Christ to dwell.
My prayer for you is that you may feel God working in you, building that mansion where Christ dwells..
Love, Rebecca+
News & Notes
Rebecca’s Schedule: Rebecca will be at St. John’s Corbin through Thursday, December 25. Rebecca will be on vacation Friday, December 26, through Friday, January 2. During her vacation,.the Rev. Peter Helman is available for pastoral emergencies. He can be reached by text or phone at 940-735-1235. You may also leave a message for Rebecca by phoning the church office at 606-528-1659 or emailing priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
Christmas Eve Services:
9:00 am – Morning Eucharist.
7:00 pm – Evening Candlelight Service.
11:00 pm – Midnight Candlelight Service.
After the 7pm and 11pm service, we will have a chocolate and champagne/wine/sparkling cider reception.
Christmas Day: 9:00 am – Morning Prayer
Adult Forum: During December, we’ll continue our discussion of The Thirty-Nine Articles, BCP 867-876. Come learn about this historic document, which guides our denomination. Are the Articles still relevant today? Join the discussion. There will be no Adult Forum on December 28.
January through mid-February (Christmas and Epiphany), we will discuss the blessing of same gender relationships. If you’d like to lead a session, please see Rebecca.
Godly Play (Sunday School): The Godly Play program is for children and offered each Sunday morning at 10:00 am. All children are invited to participate in this special form of spiritual development.
Decorate the church, Sunday, December 21, after church. Bring your lunch and stay after church on December 21 to help us decorate for Christmas.

Greening of the church will take place after the service this Sunday. Bring your lunch and help out!
Youth grades 7-12 are invited to a retreat, “A New Year in the Spirit” at Cathedral Domain, Saturday, December 27 – until Tuesday, December 30. See Rebecca for more information.
Serving Our Neighbors – See baskets in the parlor.
- Everlasting Arms, Corbin’s shelter for people who are homeless, is in need of men’s and women’s razors, gloves, deodorant and socks.
- The Food Pantry at Corbin Presbyterian Church is always in need of nonperishable food items. Vegetables are especially appreciated.