Taste and see that the LORD is good; *
happy are they who trust in him! Psalm 34:8
This Sunday we remember all of the saints, living and dead. Yes, we are saints, too, here on earth. And there are those who are no longer with us. It’s important to take the time to remember them, because they showed us by their very lives that God is good. They showed us what is meant to trust in God. They showed us the joy that comes when we trust in God.
Now, it’s our turn to be that example and guide for others. It’s not always easy. We think happy means we are never down or sad. But happiness more connotes peace…the peace that comes from knowing we are grounded in our faith and grounded in God. There is serenity. Even when lots is happening around is, we rest in the assurance that God is good and we can trust in that.
Blessings as you finish your week!
Love, Rebecca+
News & Notes
Rebecca’s Schedule: Rebecca will be at St. Agnes’ House Monday, November 3, through Thursday, November 6. Her Sabbath Day will be Friday, November 7. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or by e-mailing priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org
Weekday Morning Eucharist will be available Wednesday, November 12, 9am, in the Sanctuary.
Adult Forum: The Adult Forum meets each Sunday at 10:00 am in the Parish Hall. This Sunday we will conclude our series on Living with Money. Next Sunday’s session will focus on end-of-life issues.
Godly Play: The Godly Play program is for children and is offered each Sunday morning at 10:00 am. All children are invited to participate in this special form of spiritual development.
Worship Committee will meet this Sunday, November 2, after church.
The Diocesan Budget Committee will be at St. John’s on Wednesday, November 5, 7-8:30pm to talk about the 2015 Diocesan Budget. Come meet the Committee, ask questions and learn where our collective dollars go.
Belk Charity Sales Day: The annual Belk Charity Sales day will be Saturday, November 8, 6-10am. Members of St. John’s are selling tickets for $5.00 for this special event. The church keeps the $5.00 and for each ticket you receive $5.00 off an item. If you can help, please contact June.
Addiction and Grace, a service for people affected by addiction, will be held at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, November 9, 3:00pm. If you’d like to car pool to the service, see Blythe Swinford.
On November 9, we will honor our members who are veterans of the Armed Forces. To have a name read at the service, please place it in the offering plate or leave a message on the church phone or email webmaster@stjohnscorbin.org by November 2.
Youth grades 10-12 are invited to Happening at Cathedral Domain from 6:30pm Friday, November 14 until Sunday, 5:00pm. See Rebecca for more information.
The Second Diocesan Ministry Fair will be held Saturday, November 15 at Emmanuel Church, Winchester, 8:30am – 4:30pm. Keynote speaker is The Rev. Stuart Hoke, Th.D. He will speak on the church’s role in addiction recovery. Cost is $20. Forms are on the bulletin board and online registration is at www.diolex.org.
Our Annual Meeting and Potluck will be held on Sunday, November 16. We will pass a 2015 budget, vote for new Vestry members to begin their terms on January 1, and vote for Delegates to the Diocesan Convention in February.
Thankoffering Sunday will be November 16. Please bring your United Thankoffering boxes to church that day.
The Communitywide Thanksgiving Service will be held on Monday, November 17, 7pm, Freedom Point Church of God, 472 N Hwy 1223.
St. John’s Game Night, Friday, November 21, 6:30 – 8:30. Pizza provided. Bring your own drink. The young adults in the parish are hosting a game night. If you have a favorite card or board game that you’d love to play, let Jason or TJ Beams-Jackson, Les Carter, James Partin or Blythe Swinford know. Everyone is invited!
We will celebrate Native American Heritage Month at our service on Sunday, November 23. Ken and Shelia Phillips will lead our observance. We are reminded that the worship of The Episcopal Church is in many languages and traditions each and every week of the year.
Chocolate Fest, Saturday, December 6, 9am – 3pm. If you can contribute something to the fest, please turn in your donation form by November 23.
Rotary Club of Corbin is collecting 500 new winter coats, especially for boys and girls ages 3-9. Coats will be distributed at the Empty Stocking Fund party on December 22. If you’d like to donate a coat, bring it to church and give it to Rebecca. You can also make a financial contribution to Empty Stocking Fund and give it to Rebecca.
Two furnaces replaced, 1 more to go! The furnace located in the sacristy has been replaced and funds received for the second furnace. Thanks so much to all who donated! Now we need to replace the furnace in the rectory. Cost is just under $1,700 for a furnace that will also be more energy efficient. Donations for the furnace can be put in the box on the table in the parlor.
Kroger Rewards: St. John’s is now registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please register your Kroger card at http://krogercommunityrewards.com . Our NPO number is 47782.
The Vestry has voted to donate $25 each month to Everlasting Arm Homeless Shelter. If you’d like to contribute, put your donations in the collection box by the guest register or mark your donation and put it in the collection plate.
Please prayerfully consider the gifts God has given you that you will give back to St. John’s for Christ’s ministry and mission during 2015. Pledge cards should be returned this Sunday to prepare for our November 16 Annual Meeting and adoption of the 2015 budget.
My church is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, and a church with a noble spirit, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my church to be. Amen Archdiocese of Rochester
Serving Our Neighbors – See baskets in the parlor.
Everlasting Arm, Corbin’s shelter for people who are homeless, is in need of men’s and women’s razors, gloves, deodorant and socks.
The Food Pantry at Corbin Presbyterian Church is always in need of nonperishable food items. Vegetables are especially appreciated.
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