Lord, you have been our refuge *
from one generation to another. Psalm 90:1
On Tuesday, my son posted a photo of my grandson walking up to his bus stop in a lot of fog.
I truly love this photo, not only because I love almost anything that includes a photo of my grandson, but because of the deeper meaning (and no it’s not the Stephen King story, I’m talking about 🙂
We are familiar with lots of fog here in the region. With fog, you can’t see too far in front of you. You really can’t see your destination. Sometimes as you move closer into the fog, things become a little clearer, but often not too far in front.
Now, if we’re familiar with the path or road we’re on, we may travel a bit faster to our destination. We know the way.
I like this photo, because my grandson is walking confidently into the fog.
This Sunday we turn in our pledges. Right now, in the end of October, we make a promise to God and to the community of St. John’s regarding our intentions to contribute to the ministry of Christ here in the region during 2015. We do our best to return to God, what is God’s in the first place…what God gave into our care.
We can’t see what 2015 will bring. We don’t know what will happen over the next year. Next year is foggy to us, not clear at all. Yet, we walk confidently…we pledge boldly, because, you see, we know the destination. Just like the Psalmist, we know God is our refuge. We walk confidently, because we know we walk into God’s loving arms.
Blessings as you finish your week.
Love, Rebecca+
I will be at St. John’s this week,Wednesday through Friday. My Sabbath Days will be Monday and Tuesday. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
Please prayerfully consider the gifts God has given you that you will give back to St. John’s for Christ’s ministry and mission during 2015. Pledge cards should be returned by Sunday to prepare for our November 16 Annual Meeting and adoption of the 2015 budget. So far, we’ve received 6 pledges for a total of $9,960. These pledges and your gifts of time and talent sustain the Christian community of St. John’s and allow us to be Christ to our region.
Prayer of St Ignatius
God, Take and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will – all that I have and call my own.
You have given it all to me;
To you, God, I return it.
Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace.
That is enough for me.
Join me Sunday afternoon as I celebrate Eucharist at Christian Care Communities. Elmer Parlier will be playing the guitar. The service begins at 2:30pm and is 30-45 minutes and the residents would appreciate your attendance.
Godly Play offered for children. All children are invited to participate in this special program of spiritual development.
If you are interested in becoming a Godly Play Teacher serving when you can, plan to attend a meeting on Wednesday, October 29, at 6:30pm.
Adult Forum – The Adult Forum focus is Living with Money.
Godly Play Teachers needed. Meeting Wednesday, October 29, 6:30pm. Godly Play teachers are needed. Training is provided. This is a wonderful program of spiritual development for children and we’d like to keep it going in the parish. Please let Rebecca know if you are willing to be trained and serve as a teacher for a period of approximately 1 month.
Weekday Morning Eucharist will be available Wednesday, October 29, 9am, in the Sanctuary. I will also celebrate on Wednesday mornings, November 12, December 3 and December 24.
Trunk or Treat, Friday, October 31. We will be distributing candy from the church on Halloween evening.
Two furnaces replaced, 1 more to go! The furnace located in the sacristy has been replaced and funds received for the second furnace. Thanks so much to all who donated! Now we need to replace the furnace in the rectory. Cost is just under $1,700 for a furnace that will also be more energy efficient. Donations for the furnace can be put in the box on the table in the parlor.
The Vestry has voted to donate $25 each month to Everlasting Arm Homeless Shelter. If you’d like to contribute, put your donations in the collection box by the guest register or mark your donation and put it in the collection plate.
Grow Appalachia! The Vestry has voted to move ahead to become a Grow Appalachia site for 2015. Please talk to the Vestry about your ideas, questions, and concerns. The Grow Appalachia website is http://www.berea.edu/grow-appalachia/
The Grow Appalachia Committee will meet Sunday, October 26 after church.
All Saints Sunday, November 2. We observe All Saints Day and will read the names of those saints close to us who have died. To have the name of your loved one read at the service, please place it in the offering plate or leave a message on the church phone or email webmaster@stjohnscorbin.org by October 26.
Worship Committee will meet Sunday, November 2, after church.
Chocolate Fest, Saturday, December 6, 9am – 3pm. If you can contribute something to the fest, please turn in your donation form by November 23.
The Diocesan Budget Committee will be at St. John’s on Wednesday, November 5, 7-8:30pm to talk about the 2015 Diocesan Budget. Come meet the Committee, ask questions and learn where our collective dollars go.
On November 9, we will honor our members who are veterans of the Armed Forces. To have a name read at the service, please place it in the offering plate or leave a message on the church phone or email webmaster@stjohnscorbin.org by November 2.
Belk Charity Sales Day, Saturday, November 8, 6-10am. We are selling tickets for $5.00 for this special event. The church keeps the $5.00 and for each ticket, you receive $5.00 off an item. We will also sell tickets on Thursday, October 2, 10am – 2pm. If you can help, please contact June.
The Second Diocesan Ministry Fair will be held Saturday, November 15 at Emmanuel Church, Winchester, 8:30am – 4:30pm. Keynote speaker is The Rev. Stuart Hoke, Th.D. He will speak on the church’s role in addiction recovery. Cost is $20. Forms are on the bulletin board and online registration is at www.diolex.org.
Daylight Savings Time ends next Sunday, November 2. Remember to turn your clocks back 1 hour.
Flowers for the altar: Donations for flowers for the altar are accepted for any Sunday of the year. Please place your donation in the envelope, marking whether they are in honor of or in memory of someone.
Hymn Selection Group If you’d like to choose hymns for services, join this group. You will choose hymns for an upcoming service and then meet with the entire group to confirm the final selections. See Billy Hibbitts if you are interested.
Would you like to write Prayers of the People? If you are interested in writing these prayers (there are resources that can help with this task), please let Rebecca know by phone or email priest-in-charge@stjohnscorbin.org.
United Thank Offering. Remember to get your box for your thank offerings for this ministry of The Episcopal Church. The next collection will be Sunday November 16.
Youth grades 10-12 are invited to Happening at Cathedral Domain from 6:30pm Friday, November 14 until Sunday, 5:00pm. See Rebecca for more information.
Addiction and Grace, a service for people affected by addiction, will be held at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, November 9, 3:00pm. A similar service will be held at Christ Church Harlan at 3pm. Please let me know if you’d like to attend one of the services.