This Week (April 27) at St. John’s

You will show me the path of life; *
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11

The Psalms are so wonderful.  They truly cover the range of our emotions and feelings about and towards God.  They are also hopeful, saying with assurance what God will do.

What is your path of life?  Often in job interviews you will be asked where you want to be 5 years from now, as if we are the sole designers of our path of life.  Yes, it’s good to have goals.  It’s good to dream and think about where we’d like to be.  It’s good to understand that things don’t happen overnight and sometimes take time and patience.  However, we need to hold on to our plans lightly, remembering that ultimately God is at work, showing us the path of life…a path of “fullness of joy” and “pleasures for evermore.”

I know five years ago, being ordained an Episcopal Priest and serving in Kentucky was fuzzy at best.  Five years ago, did you imagine you’d be where you are today? We are confident, because we know God is showing us the “path of life.”

Blessings as you finish your week.

Love, Rebecca

My Schedule

Next week, I will be in Lexington and then traveling to Pennsylvania May 1-4.  You can get a message to me by calling 859 -429-1659 or

Adult Forum resumes with a 7-week Easter series on Resurrection Living, using a Forward Movement pamphlet by Christine McSpaden.  Mary Swinford will lead the first session on Luke 24:5, Why do you look for the living among the dead?

Belk Charity Sales Day, Saturday, May 3, 6:00-10:00am.  Purchase $5 tickets from our ECW, which allow you entrance to the sale and $5 off your purchase.   We are trying to sell 100 tickets, which provides $500 for the church and tremendous savings for you!

We’re buying goats!  The Lazarus at the Gates Adult Forum study has prompted us to purchase goats through Episcopal Relief and Development for families in the Philippines.  Goats provide milk, cheese, and manure for farming.  Donations towards the $80 purchase of each goat can be made through the goat bank in the parish hall or in the offering plate clearly marked ERD goat project.  

Grow Appalachia!  We are considering whether to become a partner with Grow Appalachia.  David Cooke gave a presentation on April 16.  We would use part of the park to provide gardening plots for people in our community.  We could also support people in our area who want to garden in their yards.  We would host classes regarding gardening, as well as ways to preserve the harvest.  Grow Appalachia provides almost anything needed to make these gardens successful.  Talk to someone who attended the presentation.  And talk to the Vestry about your ideas, questions, and concerns.  Their website is

This Sunday is our monthly pot luck!  All are welcome!  Plan to fellowship with each other.

United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Our ingathering of your UTO offerings will be Sunday, May 11.  Remember to bring your offering that day AND to pick up another box for the fall ingathering.

Wedding Shower and lunch for Amber Pearce and Billy Hibbitts, Sunday, May 11, after the service.  Plan to join the festivities after church!  All are welcome.

Serving Our Neighbors – See baskets in the parlor. 

  • Everlasting Arms, Corbin’s shelter for people who are homeless, is in need of men’s and women’s razors, gloves, deodorant and socks.
  • The Food Pantry at Corbin Presbyterian Church is always in need of nonperishable food items.  Vegetables are especially appreciated.

Flowers for the altar: Donations for flowers for the altar are accepted for any Sunday of the year. Please place your donation in the envelope, marking whether they are in honor of or in memory of someone.


Hymn Selection Group If you’d like to choose hymns for services, join this group.  You will choose hymns for an upcoming service and then meet with the entire group to confirm the final selections.  See Billy Hibbitts if you are interested. 

Would you like to write Prayers of the People?  If you are interested in writing these prayers (there are resources that can help with this task), please let Rebecca know by phone or email

Are you interested in assisting with the Sunday service?  Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Crucifers, Altar Guild Members and choir members are all important for each Sunday service.  If you’re interested in serving, please let Rebecca know by phone 859-429-1659 or


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