Historically at St. John’s when a month has 5 Sundays, any cash in the offering plate that is not otherwise marked is placed in the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. This fund gives the Priest access to a small amount of money to use as they see fit. For example, paying for someone to see a doctor or buying someone gas or groceries.
A few years back when the Vestry was facing a future without a Priest a policy was put into place for times when people came to the church looking for assistance. It was decided that since Kroger had both groceries and gas, the church would buy $100 a month in Kroger gift cards to distribute as needed. Because of the popularity of the program (and widespread poverty) the monthly amount was increased to $200 per month and still we routinely run out of cards.
So this Sunday bring a little extra cash for the offering plate and that will go toward this vital ministry!