Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Alleluia.
Eastertide is a time of joy and celebration, and there is much for which we can rejoice in the Diocese of Lexington: good news stories told by good news people. Indeed, if we take the time to look around, it is easy to see signs of God at work in congregations across our diocese. The challenge for us is to focus those multiple fonts of activity on a common purpose that inspires and unites.
Simon Sinek, a noted motivational speaker, says that the most important aspect of our work together is not what we do, but why we do it. In describing our why, he says, we discover the very core of who we are and what we believe. In the Scriptures, we are invited to understand our why by seeking God’s will for our individual and collective lives. This is the starting place for describing our common vision.
There are many sources of information available to us these days, but this creative work requires a different approach. St. Paul says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Rom. 12:2 In order to discover God’s will, we need to spend time with God in prayer. This is strenuous work and requires a supportive community, as we follow Jesus into the tension of our current reality and God’s desire to put things right again. God invites us to explore new possibilities through the power of resurrected life as we pray Thy Kingdom Come.
And so, I call on God’s people in the Diocese of Lexington to devote time and effort between Ascension Day and Pentecost (May 10-20) in focused prayer on discerning God’s desire for our diocese. We will join sisters and brothers across the Anglican Communion to pray for Thy Kingdom Come.
This is an invitation for individuals, families and churches to spend 10 days in intentional prayer to discern God’s will for our Diocese. As you pray, inquire how you as an individual, family and church might better live out your call to bring the reality of new life in Jesus Christ to your community and our Diocese.
After Pentecost, we will start collecting your stories. In the Autumn we will hold a workshop with representatives from around the diocese to describe our common vision and pinpoint a few strategic themes for our work together. The results will be presented to Convention 2019 for discussion.
May this time of prayer inflame us with prophetic vision so that our fellowship may bear the likeness of the incoming kingdom proclaimed for all be Jesus Christ our Lord.
To God be the Glory for ever and ever, Amen.