This Sunday (September 21) at St. John’s

Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.  Collect, Proper 20, pg 234, Book of Common Prayer

Every service, we hear many Collects.  A Collect is a prayer usually said by the priest that sums up the prayers of everyone.  It “collects” the prayers of all.  There is a particular format for a Collect and you can find more information here.  Each Sunday, we hear the Collect for Purity, as well as a Collect for the Day.

This Sunday we’ll pray, Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things….  Wow, that’s a big thing to ask, isn’t it?  Do we ever have moments without some anxiety, whether it’s about our loved ones, our health, or our economic situation?  Seems like our lives are riddled with anxiety.  Yet, that anxiety can pull us away from God…make us forget the source of our strength and of our life.  So, this Collect reminds us to focus on things heavenly…to focus on God.  Not that our anxieties are not real, but so our lives are in balance and so we can actually live our lives.

Anxiety paralyzes us.  Anxiety makes us lose hope.  Anxiety isolates us.  Coming together each Sunday allows us to be with each other and to share our anxieties.  It allows us to refocus our anxieties and transform them.  Whenever anxiety gets the best of you, pray this Collect and then come be with the community of Christ at St. John’s!

Blessings as you finish your week!

Love, Rebecca+

Bulletin 09-21-2014

Rebecca’s Schedule: Rebecca will be at St. Agnes’ House Tuesday through Friday this week. Her Sabbath Day will be Monday, September 22. You can get a message to her by calling the church office at 606-528-1659 or

A computer has been donated! We have received the generous gift of a new office computer. Thank you!

Adult Forum: The Adult Forum is reviewing and discussing the 39 Articles of Faith, pages 867-876 in the Book of Common Prayer through September 28.

Sunday School – Godly Play: The Godly Play program is for children is offered each Sunday morning at 10:00 am .  All children are invited to participate in this special form of spiritual development.

Confirmation Classes: Confirmation classes are being held every Wednesday through October 1 from 6:30-8pm.  All are invited.  This week’s session will be structure of the Episcopal Church.

Godly Play Teachers needed.  Godly Play teachers are needed.  Training is provided.  This is a wonderful program of spiritual development for children and we’d like to keep it going in the parish.  Please let Rebecca know if you are willing to be trained and serve as a teacher for a period of approximately 1 month.

Pot Luck Sunday:  Next Sunday, September 28, is our monthly pot luck.  Bring a dish or drink to share.  And all are welcome!  Plan to fellowship with each other.  Our pot luck schedule shifts in October and November.  Pot Luck will be October 19, when the Bishop visits; and November 16, when we have our Annual Meeting.

The ECW Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 4, 10:30am through lunch, Trinity, Covington.  There will be a recognition of Honored Women.  To attend, please contact Lisa Edwards,, 859-341-7324.

Bring your pets to church to be blessed on Sunday, October 5.  We will have a service outdoors in our park (or in the amphitheater).  Pets should be leashed and/or in carriers.

Belk Charity Sales Day:  The annual Belk Charity Sales day will be Saturday, November 8, 6-10am.  Members of St. John’s are selling tickets for $5.00 for this special event.  The church keeps the $5.00 and for each ticket you receive $5.00 off an item.   We will also sell tickets on Thursday, October 2, 10am – 2pm.  If you can help, please contact June.

We will be having an initial gathering of those interested in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew on October 5 after the Sunday service. To learn more, speak to Bruce Cory. You can also learn more from

Furnace Needed: The furnace located in the sacristy, which heats part of the social hall and hallways must be replaced prior to this winter.  Cost is $2,250 for a furnace that will also be more energy efficient.  $1,000 has been pledged towards the replacement so far and Vestry has agreed to go ahead and have the furnace installed now.  We’ll also need to replace two more furnaces over the next two years:  one that heats the parish hall and one that heats the rectory.  Donations for the furnace can be put in the box located on the table in the parlor, or placed in the offering plate marked “furnace.”

We will celebrate Latino/Latina Heritage Month  at our service on September 28.  If you’d like to read one of the lessons, please see Rebecca.  In preparation, you can practice the Lord’s Prayer in Spanish:

 Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,

santificado sea tu Nombre,

venga tu reino,

hágase tu voluntad,

en la tierra como en el cielo.

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.

Perdona nuestras ofensas,

como también nosotros perdonamos

a los que nos ofenden.

No nos dejes caer en tentación

y líbranos del mal.

Porque tuyo es el reino,

tuyo es el poder,

y tuya es la gloria,

ahora y por siempre. Amén.




(# Sundays)









Total Revenue $31,647.33 $20,909.06 $3,955.92 $2,193.00
Total Expense $31,647.33 $30,289.27 $3,955.92 $3,249.69
Difference   -$9,380.21   -$1,056.69


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